Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I've done it... I've studies abroad (twice now)!!! I can't believe that my second year abroad is over.

My last week in Bamberg was filled with last minute errands, showing my mom around (she came to visit me and help me move my 'stuff' home), packing (I never knew I could collect some many things), cleaning my room, getting jail threats (long story... but in short my hausmeister and I got into a disagreement about how clean my room was (for those of you who really know me, I'm a VERY clean person, and that's what makes this kinda funny) and how I didn't do what he wanted done. There were some harsh words thrown at each other and then he threatened to put me in jail for yelling back at him.) and saying good byes to people that I'd meet along the way.

Things I'm going to miss...
1. Bamberg (the best small university town to study abroad in)
2. The amazing friends that I made along the way
4. Cuatro Gatos Pizza (going there with friends and getting free Cafe Lattes)
5. The late nights/early mornings
6. Drunk/Hungover pizza
7. My favorite Turkish restaurant
8. Speaking German
9. Taking the train
10. Hanging out on random weekends with my sister (so happy that she's moving home)

Things I'm NOT going to miss...
1. My landloard
2. Taking the train and missing my connections
3. The humidity
4. Not having a job

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