Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stockholm, Sweden

This time around (I was there last summer for a week to visit Sadie (a friend from Glenwood)) was more of a culture experience rather than a 'see everything you can in a few days' experience. This was 5 days of Molly and Sadie attempting to be Swedish (haha) by going shopping, to the movies, drinking Cider (very potent, but delicious drink, probably my favorite out of beer and wine), trying out the Pedal Boats (ok I guess that's mainly there for the tourists), laying out by the water (on the one nice and sunny day we had while I was there) and celebrating 'Mid Summer' (probably the main reason that I was there, other than of course to hang out with Sadie).

Sadie during our 'Pedal Boat' experience
(we almost got run over several times by other larger boats, it was scary!)
Stockholm at 11:00 at night
(it was maybe 3 hours of semi darkness at night) Hera
(the little Swedish girl that Sadie Nanny's for)

(it was time to let our Swedish side come out)
The were all SO proud to be SwedishOur Ghetto Rigged Tent

So at this point Sadie and I weren't really sure what was going on... We were picked up 8:45 in the morning by a friend of Sadie's all ready for a long (and I mean extremely long) day of drinking, eating Swedish food, swimming, and dancing around the May Pole (I still don't understand why there is a May Pole in June?) on one of the islands outside Stockholm. We all caught the Ferry at 9:30am, were at the island by 10:30am, had camp set up by 11:00am and were drinking by 11:30am. And it was time for some more exciting adventures!
Where we ate, drank, danced and spent most of our time celebrating Solstice. The view from the cabin/house (not a bad view at all) that we were staying at.The boat looked like it was sinking, although I don't think it was.Yes, this is a can of Cider. YUMMY!!!Molly and SadieLegend behind the Flowers: must pick 7 different kinds of flowers and that night put them under your pillow and dream about the one your suppose to be with. (nope, sorry I didn't try it)The May Pole
Legend behind the May Pole and Mid Summer: The May Pole once represented the male organ and afterward everyone danced around it they were suppose to go off with their signifigant other and make babies (again didn't do that one either). Sadie and Molly
I guess that the main dance that is danced around the May Pole is where you hop like frogs, and sing a song about frogs not having tails or ears (or this is what I was told), hummm...

Where things started to get a bit crazy!
Martin, Patrick, DanielThe grilling of the food!Elenor, Martin
Jennifer, Sadie, Molly
Vodka delivery boy
(or at least that's what he called himself)
(yes, that's cheers in Swedish)
Just put your foot in, it's only about 55 degrees (outside temp) and I imagine the water is a lot colder!
Summer Solstice is supposed to be warm, filled with the most amount of sunlight in the year and what did we have... Rain, freezing, cold weather, and they (the Swedish People) all went swimming, tubing and enjoyed the COLD water. I guess that where Sadie and I lack in being Swedish, we just couldn't bare the thought of being in the water. Oh but don't worry, all you have to do is drink more, and you'll stay warm
(that's what they kept on telling us)

Getting the party started!Martin, (and the night was to long for me to remember the other two's names, oops)
Patrick... please help me up!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A reunion was long over due for Gwen and I. (history: Gwen and I went to CSU together our freshman year, and sadly Gwen trasferred to Texas to finish her schooling. So... both of us are in Europe for the summer and we decided that it was time to meet up again, and what a better place than Barcelona?)

24 hours to...
to see Barcelona, tan on the beach, catch op on each other's lives, worry about people stealing our purses, watch out for pick-pocketers, eat some Spanish food and have fun.

Gwen and Molly
Our sexy feet with our matching tattoos!
(back in the day we decided to get tattoos together, haha)
The sights of BarcelonaWe went a strolling down La Rambla
(being extra careful for the pick-pocketers... the night before Gwen caught someone pick pocketing from her, lucky for her she caught it in time, and sucks for them because they actually got caught)
Christoper Columbus
Work done by Antoni Gaudi
Sagrada Familia
Gaudi's unfinished Holy Temple
Whitney, Casey, Valerie, Lauren
(the friends that Gwen is in Spain with)
Laurie, Gwen, Molly
the best street musicians in the world

Randomness in Barcelona
Heidi, Kristi, Molly, Chris, Greg
(I meet up with some random Americans and Canadians for a random night in Barcelona)
Molly, Bill, Chris, Greg, Kristi