Tuesday, August 28, 2007

(I apologize for the tardiness in my blogging, This blog is well over due)

let the Spanish adventures begin...

5 peas in a pod, 5 nuts in a shell, 5 Rumerys in one car
We were finally all together at last and ready for the vacation of a life time. My mom was already in Germany visiting Theresa and me and so why not have Tara and my dad come over for a little Spanish holiday. We found cheep flight to Seville, rented a holiday house in a small Spanish ville about 6 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, got a nice 6 speed BMW (although there is a fun story behind that), and we let the adventures begin.

Vejer, Espania
Where the Rumery's spent an amazing week basking in the sun on the Atlantic Ocean,
enjoying the interesting Spanish food (I was not impressed by the Spanish food), and traveling to near by sights. The Spanish country side
The center of town in Vejer

some painful after moments (not for me though)
How lovely!!
A Spanish sunset!
Random nights in our (well, ours for the week) Spanish holiday house
times spent in the BMW
(the BMW was a bit to small for the 5 of us)


One of our many day trips took us to Gibraltar,
the land of the Fish and Chips, Monkeys, on 6 square kilometers.
It was a bit of a culture shock to go from and Spanish speaking country where hardly anyone knows English to this British territory, where hardly anyone knew Spanish.
Tara, Theresa, Molly
Standing on the Rock of Gibraltar looking at Africa.
The Straight of Gibraltar is big naval port with ships going
to and from either the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean.
there were stict rules for holding a monkey
1. to petting the monkey
2. don't actually hold the monkey, just let it walk all over you
Monkey see, monkey do
the newest member to our family


Another day trip took the Rumery's to Tangier, Morocco
This was my second time stepping onto the continent of Africa,
but the rest of the family's first time.
It was again a different world, not knowing what to expect as we stepped of the ferry
we heired a tour guide to take us around the city for the day.

We weren't entirely prepared for the busy streets,
and the hectic life style of the Moroccans.


We were able to explore the markets
Not the most appetizing thing in the world.

We had some good Moroccan food
There happened to be these guys playing music for the restaurant,
and they let us all take a turn playing some music.

We had the opportunity to take a ride on some cammels.
Mi Mama
Mi Papa and Molly Rose
The Atlantic Ocean

Mi Padres

Random Story:
The poor BMW

Since we had this fancy, black, 6 speed BMW, I wanted to take it for a ride on the country side and learn how to drive stick. We'll I was doing pretty good, but my dad kept having me up shit and down shift. Consequently I killed the clutch about 20 kilometers from our Spanish villa. My dad was able to get us back to about 5 kilometers from Vejer, but the tow-truck guy never found us (well he eventually did, but about 3 hours later). The problem was that we were about 2 hours from the airport, and our flight was the next morning at 9am. I some how managed to get the rental car company to have a taxi pick us up the next morning and take us all the way to the airport. It worked out pretty well, but my dad and I spent about 3 house just chillin' with the broken BMW. Good times!!

I've done it... I've studies abroad (twice now)!!! I can't believe that my second year abroad is over.

My last week in Bamberg was filled with last minute errands, showing my mom around (she came to visit me and help me move my 'stuff' home), packing (I never knew I could collect some many things), cleaning my room, getting jail threats (long story... but in short my hausmeister and I got into a disagreement about how clean my room was (for those of you who really know me, I'm a VERY clean person, and that's what makes this kinda funny) and how I didn't do what he wanted done. There were some harsh words thrown at each other and then he threatened to put me in jail for yelling back at him.) and saying good byes to people that I'd meet along the way.

Things I'm going to miss...
1. Bamberg (the best small university town to study abroad in)
2. The amazing friends that I made along the way
4. Cuatro Gatos Pizza (going there with friends and getting free Cafe Lattes)
5. The late nights/early mornings
6. Drunk/Hungover pizza
7. My favorite Turkish restaurant
8. Speaking German
9. Taking the train
10. Hanging out on random weekends with my sister (so happy that she's moving home)

Things I'm NOT going to miss...
1. My landloard
2. Taking the train and missing my connections
3. The humidity
4. Not having a job

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Oh Bamberg...
Ich werde dich vermissen!

The time has come (and actually has gone) to say good bye.
The beautiful town of Bamberg

The street where my dorm room was.
And the 'great' building that I lived in

The best Pizza Place in Bamberg
(Danielle and I only discovered this place in the last few weeks that we were in Bamberg, and went there several times a week to fulfill our pizza needs)

A list of the Beers in Frankin
(the region of Germany that I lived in)

The famous Treff Punkt in der Stadt
